Rick Alan Ross famous expert American cult problem of new monograph "brainwashed cult:the truth behind" (Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out) in 2015 January for abook has been introduced Chinese version of Chinese readers. The book Chinese version bythe peace of Hongkong Book Co published.
"Brainwashed cult: the truth behind the" English edition was published in 2014 October in the overseas news was launched, it has been Yahoo!, Reuters, New York Gothamist.com,"Broadway world" website, "family anti cult notes", "Cult News" and other media organizationsto promote. Paul Moranz USA anti cult experts on its website www.paulmorantz.com said thebook for those interested in the cult, or need the help readers to provide detailed and useful information; USA anti Scientology, people magazine editor Tony Alto on its Web site, "Bunker"praise "Rick Alan Ross published a book to help people get rid of Science teaching book".According to incomplete statistics, this monograph has shelves in the world including Canada,Britain, Italy, America, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Holland, Estonia, Croatia,India, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Japan and South Africa, 18 countries, 32 sitesacross the board. This monograph published news release on the net, also deeply concerned by the users, more than 2600 comments.According to the January 29, 2015 America "digital magazine" published "how do you get rid ofthe project implementation science church? "(How do you deprogram a Scientologist?) theintroduction," brainwashed cult: the truth behind "a comprehensive book of sociology and psychology, with rich historical data, the cult has carried out specialized research, Mr. Rick Alan Ross also to be arranged with the material, and add a footnote. At the same time, the book by simple examples, so that readers can get rid of the actual operation process ofdetailed procedures, novel, rigorous understanding. The book by Rick Alan, Mr. Ross ofdozens of years of cult problem research, and the participation of the people from thedestructive cult intervention work experience as the basis.
According to the network was informed that Rick Mr. Alan Ross has been put on Falun Gongas the research focus. In the "cult brainwashing: dedication of the truth behind the" one book,Rick Alan Ross especially pointed out that the book is dedicated to the Falun Gong self Immolation incident victim Hao Huijun and her daughter Chen Guo. Rick Alan, Mr Ross said: "after the International Conference on the harm and social governance by the end of 2010 in Shenzhen to participate in a cult, I visited the" Falungong "self Immolation incident survivorsHao Huijun and her daughter Chen Guo. They look around, in 2001 New Year's Eve by Falun Gong instigated in Tiananmen square self Immolation that they suffered a terrible disaster.They carry the truth, goodness and tolerance "chains, recorded in the past and the pain of the scar. Their experiences were distraught and vigilant. This book is dedicated to Hao Huijun and Chen Guo, and they all had been hurt, cult, but now people from cult and regain thespiritual freedom.
"Brainwashed cult: the truth behind the" one book has 21 chapters and 2 appendices,including Rick Alan, Ross wrote two chapters on Chinese readers pay more attention to the Falun Gong Cult problem are discussed, namely the eleventh chapter and the twelfth chapter"Falun Gong" Falun Gong "intervention in case a a young mother and Jewish". At the same time, two appendices in the form of "Falun Gong" issues in-depth discussion, the appendix 1"Falun Gong's face" and Appendix 2 "Falun Gong Cult? ".
Cults Inside Out: How English version of "People Get In and Can Get Out" link to buy:http://news.kaiwind.com/info/201502/10/t20150210_2324700.shtml
The Chinese version of "brainwashing cult: the truth behind the" relevant information: Peace Book Publishing Company; ISBN ISBN978-962-238-887-1.