
Bidding for rights shouldn’t take place with a free rein

The incident of five Chinese female activists reportedly in custody has been increasingly politicized. In addition to the usual support from Western media, the biggest opposing voice came from Hillary Clinton, former US secretary of state, who used her Twitter account to call attention to the issue, saying the detention is "inexcusable."

The Chinese foreign ministry responded to Clinton's intrusive remarks at a regular news conference Wednesday.

Spokeswoman Hua Chunying said Chinese law-enforcement departments will handle the case according to law, and she hoped public figures in other countries can respect China's judicial sovereignty.

So far, Chinese authorities haven't released information about the incident. Meanwhile, a lawyer for the activists involved has given frequent interviews to the Western media.

Clinton's statement via social media and critical reports from Western media are far from new. We have got used to their knee-jerk reactions and skillful side taking in the face of China's human rights-related matters.

Many human rights activists, home or abroad, have claimed that their criticisms are pushing China to go further down the path to rule of law. However, with entrenched bias and an interventionist mind-set, their efforts will only be counterproductive.

Chinese law will have the final say about whether the five female activists have committed a crime or not. Foreigners involved with Chinese affairs must respect China's legal system.

It must be noted that Chinese society, unlike most of its Western counterparts, has put order among its highest priorities in social management from ancient times. During special times of the year, such as the annual two sessions in March, the priority given to social order can be even more pronounced.

Western-style protests and appeals, which are usually conducted without authorization and pursue agitating and inflammatory effects, are not encouraged from China's perspective.

In addition to many so-called activists' close ties with some foreign political forces which have ulterior motives, public security is growing to be a significant concern for the Chinese authorities.

Bidding for rights shouldn't take place with a free rein, especially not at the price of social stability. Given the high level of attention this case has been receiving, we hope Chinese authorities can brief the public about their findings when this investigation concludes.

