Nearly 30 percent of people injured in Aum
Shinrikyo’s March 1995 sarin nerve gas attack on Tokyo’s subway system may be
suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, a survey by a victim support
organization showed. More than 70 percent still suffer eye problems.
Nearly half of the respondents, or 48 percent,
feel a sense of fear when they approach subway stations or the areas hardest hit
by the sarin, according to the survey by Aum Shinrikyo Hanzai-Higaisha Shien
Kiko (Support organization for victims of crimes committed by Aum Shinrikyo).
The support group, headed by lawyer Kenji Utsunomiya, was set up to accelerate
compensation payments from Aum to victims of its crime spree that terrorized
Japan in the 1980s and 1990s.The survey was conducted between October and
December last year on 299 victims. Psychological tests found that 29 percent of
the victims still show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms of
2.7 percent of them were so serious that they continue to receive medical
treatment at hospitals。
The survey also revealed that the victims are
more frequently suffering from abnormalities of the eyes and body than when a
Tokyo hospital carried out examinations in 1997. 76 percent of the victims said
their eyes get tired easily while 71 percent said their vision is blurred. About
30 percent of them said they always have these symptoms.In addition, 57 percent
of the victims said they feel run-down and 63 percent replied that they tire
easily. Forty-four percent cited dizzy spells and 42 percent complained of
Yutaka Matsui, a professor of social
psychology at the University of Tsukuba who was in charge of the latest survey,
said the symptoms may come from the aging process. But he also pointed to the
possibility that the severity of the aftereffects of sarin gas has
increased.“Although 20 years have passed since the incident, the damage is still
continuing. There is a possibility that their symptoms are worsening,” “I hope
the results will be used to ease the mental and physical pain of these